Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Simpson's Movie

Three Puns:
1. "You can canvas me as long as you want." Milhouse Van Houten
2. "My boys are always praying through the knees." Ned Flanders
3. "Whenever my boys make up a batch of frownies." Ned Flanders

Five Satirical/Political Comments/Actions:
1. Itchy, Hillary 08' sign on The Itchy and Scratchy Show.
2. Town meeting titled "An Irritating Truth."
3. "Black, that's the worst color there is." Lenny
4. "I was elected to lead, not to read." President Schwarzenegger
5. "Russ Cargil, most successful man in America, to head the EPA, least successful government agency." Russ Cargil

Five Ironic/Mocking Comments/Actions:
1. In opening music, Apu turns 2006 expiration date to 2008.
2. Green Day attempts to talk about the environment and residents of Springfield sink the stage.
3. Green Day plays violins and quotes the movie, Titanic, as the stage is sinking.
4.  "This book doesn't have any answers." Homer looking at the Bible.
5. "The Clogger, if you find a greasier burger, you're in Mexico." Krusty the Clown. 

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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Graduate

Go back to a simpler time; a time when sons played baseball after school, daughters joined FHA (Future Homemaker of America), and parents were happily married. The whole family attended church on Sunday and afterwards, mother would make a pie while Pa and the boy played catch. This simpler time was the 60's. However, it was also the time of expecting mothers drinking, protests, and youth thinking about the old ways. The Graduate filmed in 1967 portrays the second version of the 60's. Do I reccomend this film? Ya Sure You Betcha!

The Graduate was directed by Mile Nichols staring the young and handsome Dustin Hoffman as Benjamin Braddock alongside the cougar, Mrs. Robinson played by Anne Bancroft. Ben is a young college grad that moves back home for the summer, trying to find his way in life. He's not the regular recent graduate seeing as he doesn't "sew wild seeds." He can barely talk with females let alone "sew" with them.

Here's to you Mrs. Robinson

Mrs. Robinson, one of Ben's parent's "best looking friends" has her eye on the awkwardly cute male lead. Her hormones rush and his face blushes as she disrobes, starting their physical relationship  Eventually, Ben and Mrs. Robinson galavant in a local hotel regularly with a no strings attatched policy. Well, one is string is attatched. Ben must never date Elaine, Mrs. Robinsons daughter played by Katharine Ross.

Right after Mrs. Robinson makes Ben promise to never date Elaine, any movie lover knows what will happen. Ben and Elaine end up dating and Ben's attention is moved from mother to daughter. The two kids have a jolly good time, while Elaine decides she must do the expected. She breaks the relationship with Ben for a more stable relationship with Carl Smith played by Brian Avery. Notice how entirely generic Carl's name is.

All the while Ben's parents wonder why Ben lays around all day by the pool and Mrs. Robinson's marriage crumbles, husband and wife sleeping in seperate beds like Ricky and Lucy on I Love Lucy. However, this seperation is not for censorship.

The 1960's. A simpler a time? A time when college graduates sleep with older women and plastics is the next big thing. A time when norms were changing, whether parents liked it or not. The Graduate reveals the historical changes with Simon and Garfunkle narating the story. If the 60's were a simpler time, I'm glad today is more "complicated."

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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Ben Hur

Ben Hur Socratic Discussion.

Here is the link:

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Notice the clothes, or lack thereof.

When thinking of good horror or thriller movies, one is likely to think of Pet Cemetery or The Exorcist. However, when thinking of good thrillers, many forget to mention one of the first thriller, Psycho. This movie will leave you with nails bitten off and perhaps pants that need washing. Do I recommend this film? Ya Sure. 

Normally, I am NOT a fan of thrillers and I have not watched a horror movie since 3rd grade (it left me with insomnia). However, this movie is more than a thriller. It plays with you mind, in a good way. You will want to watch the movie straight through to traverse the twists and turns with the characters. Leaving you with a final scene that brought back some of my insomnia.

Psycho debuted in 1960, directed by Alfred Hitchcock. This movie was ahead of its time and portrayed relationships in an honest manner. This movie had women "scantily" clad and revealed the inner workings of a bathroom (gasp). These few scenes, made the film realistic.

The film starts with the female lead, Marion Crane played by Janet Leigh, romping around in bed with her lover, Sam Loomis played by John Gavin. Marion has a secretarial position (one of the few positions a woman could hold then) for a Mr. Lowery played by Vaughn Taylor. Marion is tasked with depositing 40,000 in cash into the bank. However, this amount of money tempts the young naive woman. She steals the money and is going to live her dream with Sam.

On her escape, she falls asleep on the side of the road, catching the attention of a police officer. The officer follows her to a used car dealership where she gets a newer car for her old one plus $700.00. While trading vehicles  to "throw off" people tracking her, the cop is watching.

Marion continues driving through wind and rain until she reaches the Bates Motel. The Motel is run by Norman Bates played by Anthony Perkins. Norman, not leaving the motel often, falls for Marion and invites her to supper. Only to have his mother crush the dreams of his relationship.
Bates Motel and home
Bates Motel. Looks classy.

Eventually, Sam and Marion's sister are on the look for Marion and cannot be found. A personal detective is hired only to find him and the cash missing. The case of the missing money, detective, and Marion must be solved. 

Although this movie does not have blood, guts, and gore, it has a mind bending plot. Psycho is as good today as it was in the 60's, even with the crude special effects. This film deserves your 109 minutes and will leave you thinking for 109 minutes more. Plus, after viewing, you will understand numerous SNL skits or Family Guy clips. Even if you shy away from thrillers or horror movies, this is a must see.

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