1. "You can canvas me as long as you want." Milhouse Van Houten
2. "My boys are always praying through the knees." Ned Flanders
3. "Whenever my boys make up a batch of frownies." Ned Flanders

Five Satirical/Political Comments/Actions:
1. Itchy, Hillary 08' sign on The Itchy and Scratchy Show.
2. Town meeting titled "An Irritating Truth."
3. "Black, that's the worst color there is." Lenny
4. "I was elected to lead, not to read." President Schwarzenegger
5. "Russ Cargil, most successful man in America, to head the EPA, least successful government agency." Russ Cargil
Five Ironic/Mocking Comments/Actions:
1. In opening music, Apu turns 2006 expiration date to 2008.
2. Green Day attempts to talk about the environment and residents of Springfield sink the stage.
3. Green Day plays violins and quotes the movie, Titanic, as the stage is sinking.
4. "This book doesn't have any answers." Homer looking at the Bible.
5. "The Clogger, if you find a greasier burger, you're in Mexico." Krusty the Clown.
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