Friday, March 16, 2012

Rating Scale

All movies reviewed by the Minnesota Movie Maverick will be rated on a scale as follows:

 1. Ya Sure You Betcha! - This means the film went above and beyond the average Hollywood production. If I give a film this rating, I highly recommend it to all audiences.

 2. Ya Sure. - If a film receives a Ya Sure, it means the movie met my expectations. I was not enthralled by the film. However, it is worth watching with a few good scenes.

3. Perhaps on a Snow Day. - This means if you are snowed in and have nothing to do, you may as well watch the film. A movie receiving this rating is not fabulous, does not hold my attention, but gives me something to do.

4. Go Shovel Snow. - If a film receives this rating, I recommend you shovel snow over watching the movie. Movies with this rating are fairly terrible. The movie does not hold my attention or make me think about society.

 5. Call Crazy Aunt Gerty. - If a film receives this rating, I recommend you call your crazy aunt no one wants to speak with and listen to her ramble on about butter prices for an hour. Do not waste your time watching the movie, waste your time talking to annoying relatives; besides, you have to tell her eventually you're not taking her to the VFW pancake breakfast.

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