Normally, when writing a film review, I like to start with a thought provoking sentence or catchy phrase. However, for The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, no such phrase or sentence can be had. The only thing I can think of is how the movie should have been called The Bad, Bad, Bad. Not only are all the characters "bad" but the movie is perhaps the worst I have seen. Yes, it has some symbolism but woop-de-do. Any director can throw some white clothes or pink umbrellas in a scene and that does not make anything a classic. Do I recommend this film? No, go call crazy Aunt Gerty.
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly was filmed in 1966 by director Sergio Leone. This movie is considered a spaghetti western because it was shot in Italy, not the American frontier. For all I care, the movie should have only been released in Italy. Although this movie is quite terrible, it does have some bigger names. Clint Eastwood was the Good, Lee Van Cleefs the Bad, and Elli Wallach the Ugly.
The movie starts out set in the civil war and has a classic western scene with men slowly walking towards each other with a western tune most people know in the background. The music was the only aspect of the film I could handle for more than 15 minutes; 15 minutes is also how long some scenes last with no one saying a word. Intense and riveting or a good time for a nap.
This film is all about the triumphsand tragedies of the three characters mentioned above. They are all rough and tough cowboys with their own little niche in western law-breaking. These characters are all intertwined, meeting throughout the film trying to help or get back at one another. For most of the film, The Good (blond hair and lighter clothes) and the Ugly (shorter and stalky with brown hair) are working together. The Ugly has a ransom on his head and the Good usually turns him in, getting the reward money, then releasing him from the noose later. I know, the character that breaks the law and lets criminals go is the Good?
However, for a little while the Good and the Ugly have a little spat and go their separate ways. Get the kleenxes out, not because the scene is sad but because you know the movie will have to show their resolve...Taking even longer. Eventually everything works out in the end and the director leaves the movie with a bang. Ok, more like a small fizzle.
After you get done calling crazy Aunt Gerty, instead of watching this movie I would then cut the entire lawn with a finger-nail-clipper, wash my car with a tooth brush, and watch a 7 day documentary on the effects of growing grass. I hope I made it clear how I feel about this movie. If I didn't make myself clear, watch it for yourself. However, I warn you, take all sharp objects away. You will want to shove them in your eyes and ears. Safety first.
Special Thanks to:,_the_Bad_and_the_Ugly
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